CoreWater Tech Helps the Environment
We’ve developed a safer, cost-effective way to remove harmful PFAS forever chemicals from water.
Our technology helps reduce the impact on landfills and the air we breathe.

The Problem with PFAS
Forever chemicals are a class of extremely stable, man-made molecules called PFAS, short for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances. These materials have been used for decades to make commercial products such as non-stick surface coatings, water repellent materials, and firefighting foams, and many other everyday products.
Forever chemicals are found in potable water and our air over a wide range of concentrations, often as low as several parts per trillion (ppt), making them hard to remove. They are also very stable, hard to destroy, and do not decompose naturally in the environment or the bodies of plants, animals, and humans.
PFAS have been associated with various adverse health effects in humans and animals. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), some of the potential health effects of PFAS exposure include:
Increased cholesterol levels
Changes in liver enzymes
Decreased vaccine response
Increased risk of thyroid disease
Decreased fertility and pregnancy outcomes
Increased risk of certain cancers, such as kidney and testicular cancer
A Complete PFAS Elimination Process
Unlike competitor’s processes, CoreWater Technology’s desorption process provides a waste stream that is free from added salts, which allows for the use of any destruction technology available on the market.
CoreWater Technology’s process has the unique added benefit of a highly concentrated waste stream, which means that high volumes of drinking water can be processed with minimal processing time.
Contact us to learn more about collaboration opportunities.
Core+ utilizes the industry-standard media granular activated carbon (GAC) and adds a functionalized coating to effectively remove PFAS from water. GAC is a renewable resource, so at the very heart of Core+ is a green and sustainable center.
Core+ has a tailored surface treatment that allows for captured PFAS to be released from its surface when exposed to very specific conditions. Thus, CoreWater Technologies technological suite has a distinct advantage over competitors in that it can be reused, over and over again.
CoreWater Process
CWT’s proprietary adsorption technology chemically modifies the surface of commercially available GAC to enable the adsorption of PFAS molecules from potable water.
CWT also has proprietary post adsorption process steps to remove the PFAS molecules from the particles for subsequent destruction. None of the processing in CWT’s technology depends on maintaining extreme environmental conditions (high temperatures, high pressures, etc.) in any of the steps from particle production to PFAS removal and destruction.
CWT has solved unnecessary landfill and environmental pollution caused by the disposal of city, commercial, and home-use water purifiers being thrown away or incinerated.
CoreWater Solution
Water utilities and water treatment companies faced with adsorbing PFOA and PFOS from the water we drink will be able to realize significant savings using Core+™ and the ARID Process™.
Removing the PFOA and PFOS from the Core+ once a bed has reached its adsorption limit takes place in-situ. There is no need for an expensive bed changeout each time that limit is reached. This will result in significant savings depending on the utility system and bed size.
Just as important, the ARID Process™ will remove the isolated PFOA and PFOS from the environment altogether.

“FREDsense is excited to partner with CoreWater Technologies, a leading PFAS remediation technology developer working to solve the vast and compelling need for rapid PFAS removal solutions. By providing CoreWater with fast lab analysis turnaround for their PFAS-contaminated water samples, they’re able to accelerate the commercialization and deployment of their technology.”
–David Lloyd, CEO & Co-Founder, FREDsense Technologies Corp.